Okay, I admit it. Having been indoctrinated in all that is politically correct in my various jobs, I was a little put off when I first saw the adopted children set apart, wearing shirts that suggested they were, well, different. Having a niece who would be wearing one of those shirts at the beginning of the song, I don’t think of her as less related than my other niece. In fact, I often joke about how she inherited a particular family trait only to remember
But by the end of the song (after the gasping “Oh, I get it!”), I was in tears. Admittedly, that’s not hard to do for me—but WOW! The video is a poignant reminder of who our family really is. Who is our brother and sister, regardless of our “birth” mother or “birth” father. In fact, my brothers and sisters are not just white, like me, or black, like the younger Powell children, they are Asian, Native American, Slavic, Middle-Eastern and every race and color in between. All children of God, and adopted—chosen—by Him!
Romans 8:23b-24: We … groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved.
Oh, and the artwork is my daughters :o)!
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What did the video mean to you?
I wanted to add to the message above that what made this video so powerful to me is how I first looked at those children and wanted them to be considered the "same" as the other children in the family, but they turned it around on me. It was not about the adopted children being the same as the others, but the others really being the same as them--Adopted!