
Friday, October 26, 2012

God’s Promise of a New Heart

Hold on to your hats for this story. It is amazing! And another one gleaned from a Third Day Fan friend, Robin Martin.

Robin is currently spending lots of time in the hospital with her dad, who she expects will soon be with the Lord due to congestive heart failure. Though she will sorely miss her father when God decides to take him home, she is grateful for the additional seven years she was given with him. The following is the story of how God gave her those years, and though it has elements which are bitter-sweet, they are a reminder that God, in His infinite wisdom, has His palm over our lives, and He will not allow us to slip from His Awesome Love.

Here is what she posted, along with the picture that tells it all:

To my friends of Third Day Fan Club:
7 years ago, on Thanksgiving Day, my father was in desperate need of a heart. As always in saying our blessing before our meal, we asked that God send us a message that dad would get a heart. After dinner, my now-deceased sister, was slicing the remainder of the ham and to everyone's surprise this is what she sliced into. Seeclip_image002 the picture. No other slice before it ... This slice and the next slice directly behind it had the same heart in the grain of the ham. ONLY TWO SLICES. We rejoiced and thanked God for the sign. Yes dad got his heart transplant, 5 weeks later. My sister was killed in a motorcycle accident. Our pastor said yes it was definitely a sign from God that Robert was going to GET a heart but also that Monique was going to GIVE her heart! How awesome!
My prayer for my father now... 7 years and God is paving his path to return home. Hard? Yes! Our family was blessed to have 7 extra years with our dad! Please keep him in prayer today as he will keep up his fight until his end. God bless you all as I CRY OUT TO JESUS!

Robin’s dad will be 73 in a few days—October 29th. He had his first major heart attack at 38, three more after that, three open heart surgeries, two strokes, survived colon cancer, skin cancer and a heart transplant. I’d call him a survivor!!! Evidently, God had a plan for those now, almost 73, years. We shouldn’t take any of this for granted!

God has our story written as well. It starts with His loving design of who we are, moves through the sacrifice of His only Son and ends in His Loving Embrace. I rest in this knowledge.



  1. Thanks for publising this story. I am another daughter of Robert Martin, and when it is time for God to take him back home, we will be sadden, but rejoiced at the same time. Because for the last few years he has been fighting this disease and when God takes him home he will be at peace. Thanks Again, Reneda Martin

    1. Reneda, I thank you, Robin and the rest of your family for sharing such an extraordinary story with us today. Not just of God's promise, but of the family's faith. Inspiring!!! Our prayers are with you and your dad. Yes, he will be at peace … and whole, as none of us have known on this earth. No more heart disease. No more cancer. No more strokes. Just Love, Peace and Joy! God Bless!!!

  2. Incredible story, Robin! I'm so glad you shared it. God bless the entire Martin family. Actually, He has.

  3. What an encouraging story to keep going in full trust of the God that indeed knows our own story, even way before we were born. I pray, that one way or the other, that Robin's dad will rejoice in his birthday tomorrow.

  4. Lynnette Romero HebertOctober 29, 2012 at 8:41 PM

    Robin, I am sooo proud of you for sharing your story! We've been friends since 3rd grade and I have watched and prayed as your family has lost your precious sister in that motorcycle accident, then so unselfishly donated her organs, which saved many more. Your dad got his new heart not long after she gave hers 7 yrs later, his journey here is winding down. Just watching your family's faith survive through all this is a huge inspiration! Remember, his last breath on Earth is his first breath in Heaven!!! Love in Christ, Lynn
