
Friday, March 16, 2012

Why I Wrote Part of the Overcomers, By Margaret Daley

When some writers I knew started talking about some of theirOvercomers problems they had as they grew up, an idea took root. We decided to write about our experiences dealing with our learning disabilities. In spite of our learning problems, we each went on to become a published writer.

The learning disability that I have is auditory processing. There is nothing wrong with my hearing, but once I do hear something I don't process the sounds the same way as others. I can't learn a foreign language or sing on tune. If someone talks too fast, I can't follow what he is saying. I have to really concentrate when someone is making a speech or I lose track of what is being said.

When I worked with students with learning disabilities, I wouldn't let them tell me it was too hard for them. I told them if I could struggle to learn to read (trouble hearing the phonetic sounds of words) and still master the ability to read, they could, too. If I could go to college, then they could dream and go for that dream whether that was going to college or trade school.

I will always have a learning disability. I won't outgrow it. But I learned to work around it and compensate for my auditory processing problem. I'm a visual learner and learn best by seeing rather than hearing. I use that to my advantage.

We all have strengths and weaknesses. We need to learn to use our strengths to overcome our weaknesses.

 As you were growing up, what did you have a problem with?

Margaret Daley1-Margaret Daley photo-jpg, an award-winning author of eighty-two books, has been married for over forty years and is a firm believer in romance and love. When she isn’t traveling, she’s writing love stories, often with a suspense thread and corralling her three cats that think they rule her household. To find out more about Margaret visit her website at

Related posts:

Molly Noble Bull: The Dumbest Kid in Her Elementary School

Jake the Encourager

The Gifts We Have—Part 3


  1. Margaret, I want to thank you for bringing up the issue of auditory processing disorders. This is one we don't hear about as much. I struggle with this as well as difficulty with "working memory." I was often called "dizzy" in elementary school because I didn't always "get" what people were telling me right away. Often people don't think I'm listening to them, today. Usually, I'm struggling to take it in. Most people who know me today know I love to communicate via email. It gives me time to take in and process what someone is trying to say. Then they will receive a very lengthy, much poured over email in response. Thanks again, Margaret!!! Great book. Will be reviewing it soon on the website.

  2. Margaret, thanks for telling others about The Overcomers and in such a sweet way, too.
    Recently, we learned that The Overcomers: Christian Authors Who Conquered Learning Disabilities is a finalist in the 2011 Women of Faith contest for Christian writers. The winner will be announced on March 31, 2012.
    Here is the list of published authors who wrote the book -- Margaret Daley, Ginny Aiken, Jane Myers Perrine, Ruth Scofield and me, Molly Noble Bull.
