
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

This Years ACFW Writer's Conference

     It’s been amazing to see God work in my life this past year as I delve into a new journey of writing. When I ventured to take the first step, I did what I always do to acquire info—I Googled. I can’t remember the actual words I typed into the little box under the colorful search-engine name, but I will never forget the result: American Christian Fiction Writers ( And if there really are organizations living the Body of Christ, this is one of them.
     ACFW is an organization dedicated to promoting Christian Fiction through the skill of its authors, educating them in the market, and serving as an advocate in the traditional publishing industry. Actually, that’s kinda their Mission Statement. Its membership enjoys the privilege of involvement in a regular writer’s email loop (with real, published Christian authors), online courses, critique groups, awards, and of course, the annual Conference. Lots of people using their gifts to help each other out. And because they are using these varied gifts to further God’s Kingdom, it truly works as a Body of Christ.
     This year, their annual conference will be held in St. Louis, Missouri from September 22 to September 25, and I am actually going! Woohoo! I am thrilled beyond words … even with all my wonderful ACFW writer’s training.
     This conference will be a wonderful opportunity for anyone stepping into the realm of Christian Fiction authorship. First off, you get lots of great training, from the Early Bird session on “The Moral Premise,” by Stanley Williams, PhD., to in depth continuing education sessions on topics such as “The Hero’s Path.” I have signed up for two sessions with one of my favorite authors, Jenny B. Jones! Coo-ell! And I just found out, I will be hosting one of them. Double cool!
     Additionally, the ACFW Conference ( offers meetings with mentors, agents and editors as part of the registration fee and a writer can sign up for a paid critique of his or her current work-in-progress (WIP). And if that wasn’t enough, there’s more. An attendee not only has the opportunity to hob-nob with real-life, published Christian authors, agents and editors during sessions and meals, this conference includes several opportunities for worship! How many other professional organizations give you that? Praise God!
     So if you have found that your gifting is leaning toward writing, but you may need other members of the Body of Christ to lend a hand (or foot … or whatever), take a look at this great organization and consider going to the conference. If you do, look me up. I’ll be the one wearing the … oh well … not really sure yet. But my name, Connie Almony (that’s alimony without the “i”), will be on my name tag. Hope to see you there.


  1. Yea, See you there. June

  2. Hi Connie,
    An interesting post. I agree ACFW is a wonderful organization. Thanks for sharing about it and the conference.

  3. I will be there, too! Thanks for the post!

  4. What a journey you are on. So glad to be following you and your writings. The conference sounds great. I am looking forward to read more about your experiences as a writer!!!!

  5. I am probably not ready for the big conference this year, but would love to hear all the news when you folks get back!
